Interesting. Saw a preview for "cotter and louise" just now... I didn't like the couple when they competed on Last Comic Standing and I'm pretty sure I won't like them now. But I feel compelled to watch because their children are so cute. Damn twins!
Vonage is neat. I can sit at my desk, with the phone RIGHT NEXT TO ME and use "Click 2 Call" to dial a number. What happens when I dial the number from my computer? It calls my phone. Which I have to answer. And then it dials the number I wanted to call. So... what exactly is this service supposed to do for me? I know... the premise is that you use a phone book and only ever have to type the numbers ONCE but still. How lazy do we really have to think we are?
I have new glasses. Again. I got these made with the correction in only the right lens because it's my gimpy eye. Stupid eyeball doesn't like to behave sometimes. I think it's an inherited degenerative issue but I'm not sure. I don't really want to go to an ophthalmologist and find out. Spelling that is enough effort.
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