This year, I think I'll go for 7 and 7.
7 Are the Days of Creation
1. Organize the office
2. Clean the garage.
3. Paint the play room.
4. Spend less!
5. Start First Grade with a SMILE.
6. Paint the shed.
7. Declutter 2013!
7 Like the Wonders of the World
1. More date nights.
2. Open a booth at an antique mall.
3. Create real flower beds in front and back.
4. Play outside more!
5. Replace the play house.
6. Take more walks.
7. Walk the dogs... more? at all. haha
I'm pretty confident that this will be a productive year, at least with one of those lists. haha. I've started the de-cluttering and organizing process and while it sometimes seems like surely we could knock it out in a few weeks, I'm attempting to be more realistic and keep in mind that it will absolutely take all year. And then I can start the process over again next year, right? It's the list that keeps on... listing...